75 Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense

Pada artikel sebelumnya kita sudah membahas contoh kalimat simple present tense verbal, nah kali ini kita akan membahas tipe lain dari present tense yaitu simple present tense nonimal.

Simple present tense nominal adalah kalimat present yang menjelaskan keadaan saat ini, kebiasaan atau fakta yang tak terbantahkan. Berbeda dengan present tense verbal, present tense nonimal menggunakan to be: am, is dan are.

Rumus Simple Present Tense Nominal

Kalimat Positive:S + am, is, are + O + Adverb
Kalimat Negative:S + am, is, are + Not + O + Adverb
Kalimat Interrogative:Am, is, are + S + O + Adverb + ?


  • She is at home now.
  • She is not at home now.
  • Is she at home now?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense Beserta Artinya

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat nominal simple present tense, dilengkapi juga dengan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Contoh Kalimat Positif

  1. I am usually in the rice fields every day. (Saya biasanya di sawah setiap hari.)
  2. They are in the woods every Tuesday. (Mereka berada di hutan setiap hari Selasa.)
  3. My father and I are soldiers. (Aku dan ayahku adalah tentara.)
  4. The students are in the library now. (Para siswa berada di perpustakaan sekarang.)
  5. You are my best friend. (Kamu adalah teman terbaikku.)
  6. She is a teacher. (Dia (pr) adalah seorang guru.)
  7. We are usually in the city at this time. (Kami biasanya berada di kota saat ini.)
  8. There are many people in the park. (Ada banyak orang di taman.)
  9. He is the laziest person in the world. (Dia adalah orang paling malas di dunia.)
  10. There is a lot of food in the fridge. (Ada banyak makanan di lemari es.)
  11. There are two cats in the house. (Ada dua kucing di rumah.)
  12. They are in the garden now. (Mereka berada di taman sekarang.)
  13. You are very intelligent. (Kamu sangat cerdas.)
  14. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. (Dia adalah wanita tercantik di dunia.)
  15. We are at home now. (Kami berada di rumah sekarang.)
  16. There is a lot of work to do. (Ada banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan.)
  17. There are many trees in the forest. (Ada banyak pohon di hutan.)
  18. They are in the same class. (Mereka berada di kelas yang sama.)
  19. She is always late for school. (Dia selalu terlambat ke sekolah.)
  20. We are in the same boat. (Kami berada di perahu yang sama.)
  21. They are always together. (Mereka selalu bersama.)
  22. You are my only friend. (Kamu adalah satu-satunya teman saya.)
  23. She is the tallest girl in the class. (Dia adalah gadis tertinggi di kelas.)
  24. We are on the same team. (Kami berada di tim yang sama.)
  25. She is headache. (Dia sakit kepala.)

Contoh Kalimat Negatif

  1. She is not at home every Christmas. (Dia tidak di rumah setiap Natal.)
  2. He is not at his office now. (Dia tidak ada di kantornya sekarang.)
  3. They are not in the same place. (Mereka tidak berada di tempat yang sama.)
  4. We are not at school every Sunday. (Kami tidak sekolah setiap hari Minggu.)
  5. You are not in the hospital. (Anda tidak di rumah sakit.)
  6. He is not here now. (Dia tidak di sini sekarang.)
  7. We are not in the same class. (Kami tidak berada di kelas yang sama.)
  8. You are not my brother. (Anda bukan saudara saya.)
  9. She is not crazy. (Dia tidak gila.)
  10. They are not students of senior high school number two. (Mereka bukan siswa SMA nomor dua.)
  11. We are not on the same team. (Kami tidak berada di tim yang sama.)
  12. You are not as tall as him. (Kamu tidak setinggi dia.)
  13. I am not as beautiful as her. (Aku tidak secantik dia.)
  14. He is not as handsome as his brother. (Dia tidak setampan saudaranya.)
  15. We are not in the same grade. (Kami tidak berada di kelas yang sama.)
  16. You are not as smart as me. (Anda tidak secerdas saya.)
  17. They are not at the same level. (Mereka tidak berada di level yang sama.)
  18. We are not in the same group. (Kami tidak berada di grup yang sama.)
  19. They are not at home. (Mereka tidak di rumah.)
  20. We are not in America. (Kita tidak berada di Amerika.)
  21. Jenny is not at the store. (Jenny tidak ada di toko.)
  22. Alex is not in his car. (Alex tidak ada di mobilnya.)
  23. The cat is not on the roof. (Kucing itu tidak ada di atap.)
  24. My parents are not at the party. (Orang tua saya tidak berada di pesta.)
  25. The performer is not on stage. (Pemeran tidak berada di atas panggung.)


Contoh Kalimat Interogatif

  1. Are They in the woods now? (Apakah mereka berada di hutan sekarang?)
  2. Is Alex at home? (Apakah Alex ada di rumah?)
  3. Are they magicians? (Apakah mereka pesulap?)
  4. Is your father a teacher? (Apakah ayahmu seorang guru?)
  5. Is the singer on stage now? (Apakah penyanyi berada di atas panggung sekarang?)
  6. Is she the smartest student at school? (Apakah dia siswa terpintar di sekolah?)
  7. Are those cats yours? (Apakah kucing-kucing itu milikmu?)
  8. Is the party at your house tonight? (Apakah pesta di rumahmu malam ini?)
  9. Is he the richest person in the city? (Apakah dia orang terkaya di kota?)
  10. Are you the tallest person in your family? (Apakah anda orang tertinggi di keluarga anda?)
  11. Are they robbers? (Apakah mereka perampok?)
  12. Is your mom a doctor? (Apakah ibumu seorang dokter?)
  13. Are you thirsty? (Apakah kamu haus?)
  14. Is your cat white? (Apakah kucingmu berwarna putih?)
  15. Are you sick? (Apakah kamu sakit?)
  16. Is the sun hot? (Apakah matahari itu panas?)
  17. Is your dad taller than you? (Apakah ayahmu lebih tinggi darimu?)
  18. Is water wet? (Apakah airnya basah?)
  19. Is this your pencil? (Apakah ini pensil anda?)
  20. Are you from Indonesia? (Apakah kamu berasal dari Indonesia?)
  21. Is that your book? (Apakah itu bukumu?)
  22. Is there anybody home? (Apakah ada orang dirumah?)
  23. Is today Monday? (Apakah hari ini hari Senin?)
  24. Is the moon out tonight? (Apakah bulan muncul malam ini?)
  25. Are you happy? (Apakah kamu bahagia?)

Nah, itulah pengertian, rumus dan contoh kalimat nominal present tense dalam bentuk positive, negative dan interrogative. Semoga artikel ini bisa membantu pembaca memahami dan membedakan antara simple present tense verbal dan simple present tense nominal.

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