40 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

Contoh soal simple present tense dalam bentuk essay dan pilihan ganda untuk membantu melatih dan mengasah sejauh mana pemahaman anda tentang present tense.

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

Kita sudah membahas simple present tense pada artikel sebelumnya. Apakah anda sudah benar-benar memahami apa itu simple present tense?

Mari kita ulangi apa yang telah kita pelajari sebelumnya dan kemudian ikuti tes soal simple present tense essay dan pilihan ganda di bawah ini untuk melihat sejauh mana pemahaman anda tentang simple present tense.

Simple present tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan fakta tak terbantahkan, kebiasaan umum atau hal-hal yang terjadi secara teratur, seperti (setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap tahun). Contohnya;

1. I take the bus to work every day.

2. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. I feel happy when I am with my friends.

Simple present tense terdiri dari dua bagian: bentuk dasar dari kata kerja (yang hanya merupakan infinitive tanpa to) dan bentuk kata kerja yang ditambah -s atau -es untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he, she dan it).

Contoh; bentuk dasar dari “eat” adalah “eat” dan bentuk kata kerja setelah di tambah -s nya adalah “eats”. Baca aturan penambahan S atau ES disini.

Mari kita lihat contoh kalimat dibawah ini.

1. She eats breakfast at 7:00 AM every day.

2. They walk to school every day.

3. My mother goes to traditional market every morning.

4. My father reads newspaper ever morning.

5. We come home from school at 13:00.

Pada kalimat diatas, kata kerja ketiga orang tunggal (He, She & It) mendapatkan penambahan S atau ES. Selain ketika orang tunggal seperi “They, We, I dan You” kita cukup memakai kata kata kerja dsar tanpa penambahan S atau ES.

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Pilihan Ganda

Seperti yang bisa kita lihat dari contoh kalimat diatas, simple present tense sangat mudah digunakan. Kita hanya perlu mengingat untuk menambahkan -s atau -es pada kata kerja untuk orang ketiga tunggal. Sekarang mari kita lihat contoh soal simple present tense dibawah ini.

Contoh Soal Essay

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

  1. I _______ (help) my father in the rice field every day.
  2. We _______ (not learn) English every two days.
  3. He _______ (walk) to school.
  4. She _______ (read) a book.
  5. It _______ ( rain) every day in Seattle.
  6. We _______ (have) a party
  7. They _______ (not understand) me.
  8. I _______ (not want) to go.
  9. You _______ (not need) to worry.
  10. He _______ (not play) soccer.
  11. She _______ (not like) tomatoes.
  12. It _______ (not be) cold today.
  13. We _______ (not go) out tonight.
  14. They _______ (not want) to come.
  15. Do you _______ (like) ice cream?
  16. Does he _______ (live) in New York?
  17. Does she _______ (teach) English?
  18. Does it _______ (snow) in winter?
  19. Do we _______ (have) class on Monday?
  20. Do they _______ (speak) French?


  1. I help my father in the rice field every day.
  2. We do not learn English every two days.
  3. He walks to school.
  4. She reads a book.
  5. It rains every day in Seattle.
  6. We have a party
  7. They do not understand me.
  8. I do not want to go.
  9. You do not need to worry.
  10. He does not play soccer.
  11. She does not like tomatoes.
  12. It is not cold today.
  13. We do not go out tonight.
  14. They do not want to come.
  15. Do you like ice cream?
  16. Does he live in New York?
  17. Does she teach English?
  18. Does it snow in winter?
  19. Do we have class on Monday?
  20. Do they speak French?


Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d.

1. _______ they listen to the music?

a. Do

b. Does

c. Is

d. Are

Jawaban: a. Do

2. _______ he work in a bank?

a. Do

b. Does

c. Is

d. Are

Jawaban: b. Does

3. My mother _______ dinner every night.

a. cook

b. cooks

c. cooking

d. cooked

Jawaban:  b. cooks

4. We _______ to the movies on Friday.

a. go

b. goes

c. going

d. went

Jawaban:  a. go

5. They _______ a lot of money.

a. has

b. have

c. having

d. had

Jawaban: b. have

6. I _______ my homework every day.

a. do

b. does

c. doing

d. did

Jawaban: a. do

7. She _______ tennis every Saturday.

a. play

b. plays

c. playing

d. played

Jawaban: b. plays

8. He _______ TV every night.

a. watch

b. watches

c. watching

d. watched

Jawaban: b. watches

9. Do they _______ to the park every morning?

a. go

b. goes

c. going

d. went

Jawaban: a. go

10. Does your father _______ coffee every morning?

a. drink

b. drinks

c. drinking

d. drank

Jawaban: b. drinks

11. My brother _______ his hair every day.

a. wash

b. washes

c. washing

d. washed

Jawaban: b. washes

12. I _______ my teeth every morning and night.

a. brush

b. brushes

c. brushing

d. brushed

Jawaban:  a. brush

13. We _______ visit our grandparents every Sunday.

a. do not

b. does not

c. did not

d. were not

Jawaban: a. do not

14. She _______ go to school on Saturdays.

a. does not

b. do not

c. did not

d. were not

Jawaban: a. does not

15. Rini and Rina _______ their school uniform every Sunday.

a. wash

b. washes

c. washing

d. washed

Jawaban: a. wash

16. We _______ have class tomorrow morning.

a. does not

b. do not

c. did not

d. were not

Jawaban: b. do not

17. They _______ eat breakfast at home.

a. does not

b. do not

c. did not

d. were not

Jawaban: b. do not

18. I _______ finish my homework yet.

a. does not

b. do not

c. did not

d. were not

Jawaban: b. do not

19. She _______ study for the test yet.

a. does not

b. do not

c. did not

d. were not

Jawaban: a. does not

20. We _______ early every night.

a. sleeps

b. sleep

c. sleeping

d. slept

Jawaban: b. sleep

Nah itulah beberapa contoh soal simple present tense essay dan pilihan ganda. Semoga soal latihan tersebut bisa membantu anda mengasah pengetahuan anda tentang present tense.

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