Contoh Kalimat Pasif Bahasa Inggris & Latihan Soal

Kalimat pasif bahasa Inggris sering kita jumpai di dalam tulisan ilmiah. Bagaimana membuat kalimat pasif? Yuk, kita simak pembahasan dan contoh kalimat pasif bahasa Inggris di bawah ini.

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Bahasa Inggris

Apa itu kalimat pasif?

Anda mungkin familiar dengan pola kalimat dibawah ini;

“He was shot by Sambo two days ago.”

Tahukah kalian jenis apakah kalimat diatas? YA, betul sekali. Kalimat diatas adalah salah satu contoh kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris.

Jadi, apa itu kalimat pasif?

Kalimat pasif atau passive voice adalah konstruksi kalimat di mana subjek menerima tindakan atau perbuatan dari kata kerja. Disini subject bukan sebagai pelaku, tetapi subject menderita akibat dari sebuat perbuatan.

Dari contoh kalimat diatas, Subject “He” menderita akibat tindakan penembakan yang disebabkan oleh Sambo. Poin penting yang harus di ingat dalam kalimat pasif adalah, subject bukanlah pelaku seperti dalam kalimat aktif, tetapi subject adalah penderita atau korban.

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Bahasa Inggris

Kalimat Pasif Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Image via Canva.

Ada banyak sekali jenis kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk artikel kali ini hanya akan memberikan contoh kalimat pasif dari simple tenses yaitu present tense, past tense dan future tense.

Kalimat Pasif Simple Present Tense

Untuk merubah kalimat aktif kedalam kalimat pasif present tense, kita perlu merubah object dalam kalimat aktif menjadi subject dalam kalimat pasif. Setelah itu, kita perlu merubah kata kerja verb-1 menjadi kata kerja dalam bentuk ke-3 (verb-3). Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk kita lihat rumus kalimat pasif simple present tense dibawah ini.

Rumus: S + am/is/are + Verb-3

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Simple Present Tense:

Kalimat AktifKalimat Pasif
I read Harry Potter every Thursday.Harry Potter is read by me every Thursday.
He teaches us Math.We are taught Math by him.
She loves her cat.Her cat is loved by her.
We hike in the woods every weekend.The woods are hiked in by us every weekend.
They feed the ducks every day.The ducks are fed by them every day.
I water the plants twice a week.The plants are watered by me twice a week.
My father mows the lawn every Saturday.The lawn is mowed by my father every Saturday.
My mother cooks dinner every night.Dinner is cooked by my mother every night.
I do my homework after school.My homework is done by me after school.

Kalimat Pasif Past Tense

Sama seperti langkah-langkah diatas, untuk merubah kalimat aktif past tense ke dalam bentuk kalimat pasif kita hanya perlu merubah subject menjadi object. Sedangkan jika sebelumnya kita menggunakan to be present (am, is dan are), pada kalimat pasif past tense kita juga perlu merubah to be tersebut kedalam bentuk past, yaitu was dan were.

Rumus: S + was/were + Verb-3

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Past Tense:

Kalimat AktifKalimat Pasif
I watered the flowers.The flowers were watered by me.
We visited the museum.The museum was visited by us.
She wrote a letter.The letter was written by her.
He read a book.The book was read by him.
They sang a song.The song was sung by them.
I made a cake.The cake was made by me.
We took a picture.The picture was taken by us.
She bought a dress.The dress was bought by her.
He drank some water.Some water was drunk by him.


Kalimat Pasif Future Tense

Untuk membuat kalimat pasif future tense, kita perlu menambahkan “be” setelah “will” kemudian di ikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk ke-3 (verb 3).

Rumus: S + Will + Be + Verb-3

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Future Tense:

Kalimat AktifKalimat Pasif
I will clean the house.The house will be cleaned by me.
They will buy a new car.A new car will be bought by them.
Our parents will give us a present.We will be given a present by our parents.
You will take out the trash.The trash will be taken out by you.
They will finish their work.Their work will be finished by them.
Jane will watch a movie tomorrow.A movie will be watched by Jane tomorrow.
The teacher will give a test next week.A test will be given by the teacher next week.
John will visit Nina’s house tomorrow.Nina’s house will be visited by John tomorrow.
I will do the laundry.The laundry will be done by me.

Nah, itulah pengertian, rumus dan contoh kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris. Yang perlu di perhatikan dalam merubah kalimat aktif kedalam kalimat pasif adalah menukar posisi antara subject & object pada kalimat aktif dan pasif, dan juga merubah kata kerja dari bentuk pertama (verb-1) ke dalam bentuk verb-3.

Latihan Soal Kalimat Pasif Bahasa Inggris

Rubahlah kalimat aktif berikut ini kedalam bentuk kalimat pasif.

1. They build a new house.

2. We will plant trees next week.

3. The teacher grades the papers now.

4. They sold all the tickets for the concert.

5. I will write the essay tonight.

6. They will announce the winner tomorrow.

7. Somebody stole my bicycle yesterday.

8. They will finish the work tomorrow.

9. We have cleaned the house already.

10. They will paint the walls next week.

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