10 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Kegiatan Sehari Hari

Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang kegiatan sehari-hari ini adalah cara sederhana untuk membantu meningkatkan skill bahasa Inggris anda. Mulailah dari hal sederhana, kemudian tingkatkan ke level yang lebih tinggi.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Kegiatan Sehari Hari

Membicarakan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari adalah cara yang bagus untuk melatih keterampilan percakapan bahasa Inggris anda. Selain dapat membantu anda mempelajari kosakata dan tata bahasa baru, ini juga dapat membantu anda berlatih menggunakan kosakata dan tata bahasa tersebut dalam konteks dunia nyata.

Saat pertama kali belajar bahasa Inggris, anda lebih baik memulai dari hal-hal sederhana. Anda bisa tentang hobi, kegiatan yang anda lakukan kemarin atau apa yang akan anda lakukan besok. Ketika anda sudah lebih percaya diri untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, anda dapat mulai berbicara tentang topik yang lebih rumit, seperti rencana anda untuk masa depan atau pendapat anda tentang peristiwa terkini.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Kegiatan Sehari Hari

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Kegiatan Sehari Hari

Untuk membantu anda meningkatkan keterampilan percakapan bahasa Inggris, berikut kami telah menyediakan serangkaian dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris antara 2 orang tentang kegiatan sehari-hari.

Anda bisa memulai percakapan dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut;

  • What are you up to?
  • What have you been up to today?
  • What do you do every Sunday?
  • What do you do after work?
  • What are your activities today?
  • What time do you usually go to work?
  • What time do you usually wake up?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends?
  • What are you going to do today?

Dialog #1 Jodi & Dale

Jodi: Hi! What do you do every Sunday?

Dale: Well, usually I sleep in late and then I have breakfast. After that, I go for a walk with my dog. In the afternoon, I meet up with some friends and we usually go to a cafe or something. And then in the evening I just relax at home.

Jodi: That sounds like a really nice day! I wish I had a dog so I could go for walks with it.

Dale: Yeah, it’s great. I love spending time with my dog.

Jodi: What did you do yesterday?

Dale: I went to the park with my friends. We played some games and then we had a picnic lunch. It was really fun!

Jodi: That sounds like a great time! I love picnics.

Dale: Yes, they’re really fun. We should go on one sometime!

Dialog #2 Maria & Anna

Maria: What are you going to do today?

Anna: I’m not sure yet. I might go for a walk, read a book, or just relax at home. What about you?

Maria: I’m thinking about going for a run, doing some laundry, and then maybe cooking dinner. We’ll see how the day goes!

Anna: It sounds like we have some plans for the day! I should get going and do something. Thanks for talking to me!

Dialog #3 Jordi & Josep

Jordi: Hi! What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends?

Josep: I like to sleep in and then spend time with my friends or family. Sometimes we go out, but usually we just stay home and relax. What about you?

Jordi: I also like to spend time with my friends and family. We usually go out to eat or see a movie. I also like to go shopping on weekends.

Josep: It sounds like we have similar weekend plans! Thanks for talking to me.


Dialog #4 Ben & Jen

Ben: Hi! What do you do after work?

Jen: I usually just go home and watch TV.

Ben: That doesn’t sound very exciting.

Jen: I know, but it’s relaxing to me. What about you? What do you like to do after work?

Ben: I like to go out with friends or family. Sometimes we’ll go see a movie or get something to eat.

Jen: That sounds like more fun than watching TV.

Ben: It is! I need to get out and do something after work or I’ll go stir-crazy.

Dialog #5 Daisy & Ellan

Daisy: Hey! What time do you usually go to work?

Ellan: I usually go to work at 8:30. But, today I’m going to work a bit later because I have an appointment at 10.

Daisy: What are you doing after work?

Ellan: After work, I’m going to meet my friends for dinner. Then, we’re going to see a movie.

Daisy: That sounds like fun! I wish I could go with you.

Ellan: Maybe next time! What are you up to tonight?

Daisy: Tonight, I’m going to stay home and catch up on some TV shows that I’ve been meaning to watch.

Ellan: That doesn’t sound as exciting as my plans, but it’s important to relax sometimes.

Daisy: Yeah, you’re right. I need to catch up on my favorite show, “Game of Thrones”!

Dialog #6 Evelyn & Freya

Evelyn: Hey! What are your activities today?

Freya: I will go to the library later and then meet my friends for lunch. What about you?

Evelyn: Wow, sounds great! I also have a lot of things to do today. First, I need to buy some groceries and then clean up my apartment. After that, I’ll probably take a walk in the park and then do some laundry.

Freya: That sounds like a lot of work! I’m glad I don’t have to do all of that today.

Evelyn: Yeah, it’s not too fun. But it’s all worth it when everything is done and you can relax for the rest of the day.

Freya: Absolutely

Dialog #7 Rommie & Royhan

Rommie: Hi! What time do you usually wake up?

Royhan: I usually wake up at 7am. Then I take a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast. After that, I head to work. What about you?

Rommie: I also wake up at 7am. But I like to take my time in the morning, so I don’t usually leave for work until 8am.

Royhan: It sounds like we have similar morning routines! Thanks for talking to me.

Dialog #8 Scott & Bella

Scott: Hey, how’s your day going?

Bella: It’s been good so far. I went for a run this morning, and now I’m getting some work done. How about you?

Scott: I’ve just been hanging out at home today. I didn’t really feel like doing much.

Bella: I know the feeling. Sometimes you just need a day to relax.

Dialog #9 Alice & Bonnie

Alice: Hi! What are you up to?

Bonnie: Just getting some things done around the house. You?

Alice: I’m about to make lunch. After that, I’ll probably start working on that project I’ve been procrastinating on.

Bonnie: Sounds like a productive day! I should get back to my own to-do list. Have a great day!

Dialog #10 Lilly & Billy

Lilly: Hey, do you like going out or staying at home?

Billy: I actually like both! I like going out because it’s fun to do new things and meet new people. But I also like staying at home because it’s relaxing. What about you?

Lilly: I’m the same way. I like going out sometimes, but other times I just want to stay home and relax.

Billy: It’s great that we both like both! Thanks for talking to me.

Itulah beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang kegiatan sehari-hari. Seperti yang anda lihat, topik percakapan tersebut cukup sederhana dan mudah untuk di praktekan. Jika anda baru mulai belajar bahasa Inggris, percakapan seperti ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk melatih keterampilan anda.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Kegiatan Sehari Hari

Picture source: Wikihow

10 Tips Mahir Berbicara Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jangan takut membuat kesalahan saat berbicara. Setiap orang membuat kesalahan ketika mereka belajar bahasa Inggris. Berikut sedikit tips yang bisa penulis berikan:

1. Sering-seringlah mendengarkan percakapan bahasa Inggris.

2. Cobalah untuk meniru cara penutur asli berbicara.

3. Berlatihlah dengan teman atau tutor.

4. Bergabunglah dengan grup percakapan bahasa Inggris.

5. Menonton film dan acara TV berbahasa Inggris.

6. Membaca buku, majalah, dan artikel dalam bahasa Inggris.

7. Dengarkan podcast bahasa Inggris dan acara radio.

8. Gunakan kamus atau penerjemah jika anda tidak mengerti kosa kata tertentu.

9. Cobalah untuk berpikir dalam bahasa Inggris daripada menerjemahkan dari bahasa ibu anda.

10. Sabar dan jangan menyerah! Mempelajari bahasa baru membutuhkan waktu dan usaha.

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