Passive Voice: Pengertian, Rumus, Contoh Kalimat & Soal Latihan

Passive Voice

Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah struktur gramatikal yang menempatkan objek suatu tindakan sebelum kata kerja, seperti dalam kalimat “The ball was thrown yesterday.” Ini dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan peristiwa di mana tidak ada orang atau benda tertentu yang melakukan tindakan.

Passive voice menekankan peristiwa itu sendiri daripada siapa atau apa yang menyebabkannya. Dalam beberapa kalimat, kalimat pasif mungkin tampak tidak perlu karena tidak ada bedanya jika Anda mengubah bentuknya menjadi aktif, tetapi dalam kasus lain, kalimat pasif diperlukan untuk kejelasan dan pemahaman lebih detail.

Bagaimana Mengidentifikasi Kalimat Pasif?

Kalimat pasif dapat dengan mudah diidentifikasi dalam sebuah kalimat dengan mencari dua elemen: subjek dan kata kerja. Subjek biasanya ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja, seperti dalam kalimat “The ball was thrown by him.” Jika Anda menghapus subjeknya “”The ball”, Anda akan memiliki kalimat pasif: “thrown by him.” Kalimat pasif juga dapat dikenali dengan penggunaan bentuk “menjadi” (am, is, are, was, were) dan kata kerja diikuti past participle atau bentuk ketiga.

Bagaimana Merubah Kalimat Aktif kedalam Kalimat Pasif?

Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, Anda harus terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi subjek dan kata kerja. Setelah Anda menemukannya, Anda perlu meletakkan objek tindakan sebelum kata kerja dan menggunakan bentuk “menjadi” (am, is, are, was, were). Misalnya, kalimat I am writing a paper” dan “He is eating an apple” akan menjadi “A paper is being written by me” dan “An apple is being eaten by him.”

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice & Rumus

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat passive voice dalam beberapa bentuk tenses:

1. Present Tense


Passive Voice Present Tense

Contoh Passive Voice Present Tense

  • The door is opened by the maid.
  • The book is read by my father.
  • A new car is bought by him.
  • This problem is solved by me.
  • The test is graded by the teacher.
  • His wallet is stolen on the train.
  • The party is thrown by my friends.
  • The cake is eaten by everyone.
  • The fish is caught by me
  • The bag is brought by him

2. Present Continuous Tense

Passive voice present continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung. Misalnya, “The door is being opened.” atau “The car is being driven.”


Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense

Contoh Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense

  • The lamp is being turned off by me.
  • The door is being opened by him.
  • The windows are being cleaned by them.
  • The room is being vacuumed by her.
  • The table is being set by me.
  • My computer is being restarted by him.
  • His shirt is being ironed by her.
  • The dishes are being washed by me.
  • The flowers are being watered by him.

3. Present Perfect Tense

Kalimat pasif juga digunakan dalam present perfect tense untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang telah selesai. Misalnya, “The door has been opened.” atau “The car has been driven.”


Passive Voice Present Perfect Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Dalam Bentuk Present Perfect Tense

  • The book has been read by them.
  • The letter has been sent.
  • The table has been cleared.
  • The car has been driven.
  • The phone has been answered by Billy.
  • The room has been cleaned by my mom.
  • The package has been delivered to her house.
  • The invitation has been sent out.
  • The website has been updated.
  • The software has been installed.

4. Simple Past Tense

Selain dari tenses diatas, passive voice juga bisa digunakan dalam bentuk simple past tense. Misalnya: “The door was opened.” or “The car was driven.”


Passive Voice Simple Past Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Dalam Bentuk Simple Past Tense

  • The door had been opened.
  • The windows had been cleaned.
  • The room had been vacuumed.
  • The carpets had been shampooed.
  • The lightbulbs had been replaced.
  • The shelves had been dusted.
  • The vacuum cleaner had been emptied.
  • The dishwasher had been loaded.
  • The table had been set.
  • The food had been served.

5. Past Continuous Tense

Passive voice sering digunakan dalam past continuous tense, untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Misalnya, “I was being hit by a hammer” akan menunjukkan bahwa palu itu memukul saya pada titik waktu tertentu. Ini dapat berguna untuk menekankan suatu tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu.


Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense

Contoh Passive Voice Dalam Bentuk Past Continuous Tense

  • I was being hit by a hammer.
  • The window was being broken by a rock.
  • My phone was being stolen by a thief.
  • The room was being cleaned by a maid.
  • He was being followed by the police.
  • She was being watched by a stranger.
  • The building was being demolished by a construction crew.
  • They were being yelled at by their boss.
  • The baby was being changed by its mother.


6. Past Perfect Tense

Passive voice juga sering digunakan dalam kalimat past perfect tense.


Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense

  • I had been invited to the party by Ani
  • The window had been broken for several days before anyone noticed.
  • A decision had been made by the President
  • The house had been burglarized multiple times before we finally got a security system.
  • My phone had been stolen a few weeks ago
  • The results of the study had not been released yet, but everyone was already talking about them.
  • Our boss had been replaced a few months ago, but we still didn’t know who the new one was.
  • They hadn’t announced the winner yet, but we were all pretty sure who it was going to be.
  • The company had been in financial trouble for years, but nobody knew how bad it was until the bankruptcy filing.
  • She had been kidnapped and held for ransom, but nobody even knew she was gone until the ransom note arrived.

7. Future Tense


Passive Voice Future Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Future Tense

  • The car will be driven by someone new.
  • The test will be taken by someone else.
  • The World Cup will be won by a different team this year.
  • A decision will be made by the committee.
  • Someone else will win the award this year.
  • The table will be set for dinner.
  • The room will be cleaned by the maid.
  • The package will be delivered by Jim.
  • The flowers will be arranged by Susie.
  • The party will be hosted by Barbara.

8. Future Continuous Tense

Dalam future continuous tense, kalimat pasif digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan akan dilakukan pada subjek. Subjek tidak akan melakukan tindakan. Misalnya, “I will be insulted by him” berarti “He will insult me”.

Kalimat pasif juga dapat digunakan untuk menekankan objek kalimat. Misalnya, “The door will be kicked in berarti “The Door” akan menjadi penerima tindakan, bukan orang yang melakukan tendangan.”



Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Future Continuous Tense

  • I will be insulted by him.
  • She will be loved by him.
  • It will be used by them.
  • He will be harmed by her.
  • The door will be kicked in.
  • The package will be delivered to you.
  • This problem will be solved by me.
  • They will be followed by us.
  • I will be laughed at by them.
  • The project will be completed by us.

9. Future Perfect Tense

Passive voice dalam future perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan akan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa depan. Ini dapat membantu untuk menekankan penyelesaian suatu tindakan, atau untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu akan telah dilakukan pada waktu tertentu.



Contoh Passive Voice Dalam Bentuk Future Perfect Tense

  1. The project will have been completed by the end of the week.
  2. I will have had my surgery by tomorrow morning.
  3. I will have been chosen by then.
  4. You will have been ignored by them.
  5. He will have been rejected by her.
  6. It will have been missed by them.
  7. We will have been underestimated by them.
  8. They will have been deceived by him.
  9. The project will have been completed by the end of the week.
  10. I will have had my surgery by tomorrow morning.

Perbedaan Passive Voice Active Voice

Perbedaan Passive Voice & Active Voice

Ketika berbicara tentang tata bahasa “Grammar”, dua bentuk kalimat yang paling umum dipakai adalah active voice dan passive voice. Active voice lebih umum dan sederhana, sedangkan passive voice lebih formal dan kompleks. Secara umum, Anda harus menggunakan passive voice bila memungkinkan.

Active voice adalah kalimat sederhana karena subjek melakukan tindakan kata kerja. Misalnya: “The dog bit the man.” Subjek, “dog”, melakukan tindakan menggigit “bit”.

Sebaliknya, passive voice lebih kompleks karena subjek menerima tindakan kata kerja. Misalnya: “The man was bitten by the dog.” Subjek, “The man”, tidak melakukan tindakan menggigit; sebaliknya, dia menerimanya.

Contoh Soal Passive Voice

Instruction: change the following sentences into passive voice:

  1. I cleaned the room.
  2. The teacher called on John to answer the question.
  3. They will deliver the package tomorrow.
  4. He was painting the house.
  5. I will bake a cake for the party.
  6. The cashier counted the money.
  7. They will deliver the package tomorrow.
  8. He was painting the house.
  9. I read a book
  10. We watched a movie.

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